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UPuper · Brand blog · Hiring hydroponic medical cannabis growing engineer in US/Canada/Thailand!

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Hiring hydroponic medical cannabis growing engineer in US/Canada/Thailand!

Views:262 2022-11-22

Wanna be the medical hemp grow engineer of UPuper®?

Please send your CV to


1. More than five years of medical hemp hydroponic cultivation rock wool planting experience.

2. Have a planting site with supporting planting equipments that can be used for experiments and tests.

3. With certain teaching experience and good expression skills are preferable.

4. Base in US/Canada/Thailand.


1. Considerable rewardings.

2. Flexible employment opportunities (full-time/part-time options).

3. Free planting substrate samples for testing from UPuper®.

4. Circle resources and media support.

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