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UPuper · Brand blog · How to clone cannabis with UPuper® rockwool cubes?

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How to clone cannabis with UPuper® rockwool cubes?

Views:299 2024-04-10

1. Gather the Supplies

   You'll need UPuper® rockwool cubes, cannabis clone cuttings approximately 4 to 6 inches in length; and 5 to 8 mm in diameter, a rooting hormone or gel, a diluted nutrient solution, sharp pruning scissors or a knife, a clear plastic cover, and a propagation container to hold the rooting clone cuttings.

2. Pretreat the UPuper® Rockwool Cubes

   Soak your rock wool cubes in a diluted nutrient solution with a pH of about 5.2 overnight. The next morning, soak them once in a pH solution of around 6.0 to stabilize the cubes’ alkalinity. Avoid squeezing the rockwool cubes to remove excess water, as it can damage the cube’s structure.

3. Prepare Your Rooting Hormone

    While the cubes are soaking, prepare the rooting hormone according to the manufacturer's instructions. Choose a high-quality hormone from a reputable brand. 

4. Take Your Cuttings from the Mother Plant

    Your cuttings should be about 4 to 6 inches long with a diagonal cut just below the lowest node. Ensure the cut is clean and quick for easy application of the rooting hormone.

5. Insert the Cutting into Cube

    Dip the clone cutting into the rooting hormone for a minute or two, then gently insert the clone cutting into the hole in the cube. Insert the cutting about 1/2 inch deep.

6. Rehydrate the UPuper® Rockwool Cube

    After inserting the cutting, rehydrate the cube with a pH-balanced nutrient solution and allow excess water to drain out.

7. Move the Clone Cutting to the Rooting Space

    Transfer the clone cuttings to a propagation container with a temperature of around 80°F to 85°F (27°C to 29°C) and set up a grow light over the cutting on a 24/0 light cycle.

8. Transplant the Clone Cuttings

    Wait for a day after roots start showing, then begin acclimatizing the clones to new conditions by opening the container to let the humidity out and check clones for signs of wilting. Transplant the cuttings into a bigger rock wool substrate (Cultivation Block).

Important Details and Considerations 

Rockwool Preparation: Ensuring the UPuper® rockwool cubes are properly pH balanced before use is critical for the success of the clones.

 Nutrient Solution: Providing a nutrient solution with an electrical conductivity (EC) value between 1.6mS/cm and 2.4mS/cm to the cannabis cuttings in the growing medium.

 Insertion Depth: Cannabis cuttings should be inserted into the medium so that the cuttings are below the top surface by about 5mm to 10mm.

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