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UPuper · Brand blog · What are the advantages of Rockwool for hydroponic cannabis growing?

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What are the advantages of Rockwool for hydroponic cannabis growing?

Views:109 2023-06-06

Rockwool is a great substrate for growing cannabis. You can take your strain of choice through the whole cannabis life cycle with rockwool. Growers of all levels, using a variety of hydroponic setups are harvesting heavier yields a whole lot sooner.

There are many benefits to growing cannabis with Rockwool, especially when doing so hydroponically.


Inorganic substrate

The rockwool grow medium will not absorb and extract elements, which is beneficial for growers to better manage the internal environment of the substrate (such as pH and EC) and the growth of cannabis.



All plants have access to the same amount of nutrients and the same conditions for root zone development, which allows the growth cycles of the cannabis to be synchronized and allows growers to harvest at once.

Each rockwool has the same fiber diameter. The plant's root system can easily extend into the colonization block/strip after transplanting, which can shorten the delayed growth of the plant due to transplanting.

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Porosity/Air inflow

More air inflow causes the plant's root system to grow more roots (air pruning), which increases the amount of nutrients the plant's root system can absorb.


Pathogen free

After being sterilized at a high temperature higher than 1400 degrees Celsius, the substrate does not carry pathogens, which provides a healthy growth environment for cannabis.


Easy To Transplant

Once your clonings look ready for a new home, you’ll find it incredibly easy to move them directly into a pot full of soil or a hydroponic rock wool cube. Unlike transplanting from the soil, you don’t need to break apart the initial growing medium or deal with any mess. Simply pick up the propagation cube and slot it into its destination.

propagation rockwool plug.jpgpropagation rockwool.jpg

These are the pros of rockwool for cannabis growing. If you want to know more about cannabis planting or rockwool substrate, please subscribe UPuper® blog and get the fresh news.

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